Friday, December 28, 2007

Hong & Lian Wedding

Thanks for appointed me as your wedding photographer and also the confident you have towards me. May god bless you with happiness, togetherness, love, laughter and everything else that make this marriage a happy one for you ...

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Photo: Lookout Point| Hulu Langat

在这hotspot 还未hot起来的时候,原来我在N年前已到此一游只是那时还没像现在那么火热. 还记得那时是一位“好朋友”带我上去那里,当时的我才十九岁而已。光阴似箭,眼看已过了五个年头,回顾往事,好朋友已变成普通朋友,昔日的欢乐也变成了回忆,年轻的无知造成了他人的伤害。 如今重回此地,身边多了一位好朋友,往日的宁静换成了今天的喧闹,此时此刻的心情已无法像当时那样无忧无虑。